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Three tips to choose the perfect salon in Delhi

Has it been a long time that you have been thinking of pampering yourself at a salon which has become the talk of town? Is your gut feeling telling – it might be, or might not? If you are also facing a similar situation of bafflement while looking for best salon in Delhi, then reading further might help you make the right decision.

Do not act on impulse
Sometimes decision taken on impulse might not give results you are expecting. And this stands very true when you are hunting for hair salon in Delhi.  Do not go by extravagant advertisements which appear to be tempting. Take a decision after analysing different factors.

Talk the salon and find out if they provide consultation
Let’s face and accept it – visiting a new salon is extremely scary as you never know what the experience will be.  You trust a new professional you hardly know for getting a makeover. However, you can ease your fears. Just find out if the hair salon offers consultation. Talking to the hair stylist in person gives you a clear idea and better understanding of the services being provided and expectations you have. This can help you save time as well as money. In addition, visiting the salon gives you an idea of their existing client and how it works and operates.

Styling process and tools they offer
This can be crazy but it can really make a huge difference to your decision making. There are tons of queries from the brand used for styling to the product lines used at the salon. These are very important questions when hunting for salon in Delhi. Being well-informed before sitting in chair is much better an option than to discover things later.   If you can find out, ask the salon whether they are using titanium flat iron or ceramic iron for curling of hair. Asking small things can help you make smart and well-informed decision.


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Three quick-and-easy-tips for healthy, beautiful skin

The secret to healthy and glowing skin is proper care and right regime. Irrespective of the season, there are some basic tips for beautiful skin. You can visit unisex salon at any time, but here are some beautiful skin tips for beauty boosting effects.

applying-sunscreenApply sunscreen

Alright, so you have already heard it millions of time but applying sunscreen is the easiest way to look younger and smart.  Going by what beauty experts have to suggest, near about ninety percent of wrinkles occur because of sun exposure. Is not it better to prevent damage then fixing it afterwards? Opt for a sunscreen that provides broad-spectrum to guard against harsh UV rays of the sun.

remove-mekupRemove make-up before bed

Never ever sleep wearing make-up as dirt on the skin not only clog pore but can also cause skin dandruff and excessive dryness. Majority of makeup products comprise of sugar like molecules which can grow into yeast overnight. Also make sure that you remove eye makeup completely too.  It can cause small white bumps known as milia cysts or rashes around eyes.

lips-makeupHave patience when it comes to makeup

When it comes to makeup, most women are in hurry to see outcome. However, put breaks to make sure that you get positive results. When you are switching or starting using a new product, use it on a regular basis. Also make sure that you do not try few buys at once.

These are just a few tips for healthy, beautiful skin. Look for a salon in Delhi where you can get right tips for skin care.

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Unisex Salon Ratting in South Delhi Trendy Makeover™ is rated 4.6 stars by based on 5 reviews